Kamis, 18 Mei 2017

Video delivery of chemistry


This time I will share knowledge about acid and base, some of the main topics I will discuss this timeare Acid and Base Definition, Acid and Bas..e Theory, Acid and Base Properties, and Acid and Base Balance.

 The word acid  is derived from the Latin " acidus" which means sour. Acid is a substance (compound) that causes sourness in various materials. Bases are substances (compounds) that can act with acids, producing a compound called salt. While the base is the substances that can neutralize the acid. Chemically, acids and bases are opposite each other. Base properties are generally shown from bitter taste and slippery. Acids and bases are very closely related in our life, in the human body there is also acid base balance to adapt and keep it function properly. For example just like stomach acid that can kill the microorganisms found in the food we consume. Likewise with our daily lifestyle is very often confronted with acid-base, such as vinegar, soft drinks, oranges, acid batteries. Whilesoap and fertilizer manufacture materials that are alkaline. Some certain animals also defend themselves by producing a base, such as a wasp sting.

The theory of acid-base is proposed by some scientists,one of them is Arrhenius Theory which says acid is a property which is a compound which can release hydrogen ion (H) if dissolved in water, while base is a property which is in the form of compound which can release ion Hydroxide (OH-) when dissolved in water. The acid-base reaction (neutralizing reaction) is a H2O-forming reaction of H- and Hydroxide (OH-) ions. Other theories put forward are Bronsted-Lowry Theory which says the acid is a compound that can give protons (H) to other compounds, while the base can receive protons (H) from other compounds. The acid-base reaction is the reaction of proton transfer from one compound to another. The last theory is Lewis theory which says Acid is a compound that can Accepting pairs of free electrons from other compounds, whereas Bases are compounds that can givefree electron pairs to other species (compounds). The acid-base reaction is the reaction of bond formation between  acid and base.

 1. The properties of acids are:
It tastes sour / sour Corrosive or destructive When dissolved in water can produce H + ions or hydrogen ions and negatively charged acidic acid ions.  When tested with a blue litmus paper indicator it can turn the litmus red. Where as if tested with a red litmus paper indicator, the litmus paper will not change color. An indicator is a means to indicate a substance whether  acidic or basic.
2. Properties of bases are: Bitter taste It is caustic or can damage the skin When dissolved in watermay produce OH-ions or hydroxyl ions and metal ions or other negatively charged groups. When the OH ion is almost entirely released or its ionisation is perfect, it includes a strong base or is said to have a low acidity andvice versa.    When tested with an indicator in the form of a red litmus, it will change the color of the litmus to blue, while with blue litmus paper, will not change the color of the litmus paper.ï


Acid and alkaline balance is present in some living organisms, for example humans. The acid-base balance is homeostasis of hydrogen content in the body. Normal levels of hydrogen ions (H) in the blood are 4x10-8 or with pH =7.4. This balance is important for controlling the affinity of Hb to O2 (binding ability), which when acid and base balance disturbances occur in the body, it will disrupt some systems such as respiration and digestion Circumstances where the concentration of hydrogen ions or pH is too high, called acidosis, the circumstances under which the concentration of hydrogen ions or pH is too low is calledalkalosis. In order not to happen the two abnormalities it is necessary special regulator, namely: The acid-base buffer system that immediately combines with an acid or base which will in turn prevent pH change or excessive hydrogen ion concentration. If the hydrogen ion concentration changes, the respiratory center in the brain will be stimulated or stimulated to alter the breathing rate in the lungs, which will result in changes in the carbon dioxide release rate of the body, which will make the hydrogen ion concentration return to normal. Changes in the concentration of hydrogen ions will also cause the kidneys to remove acidic or base urine depending on what compounds are excessive, thus helping the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body fluids back nomal. This buffer system can work in a fraction of a second to prevent excessive changes in the hydrogen ion concentration. In contrast the respiratory system takes 1-3 minutes to adjust the ionic hydrogen concentrationafter a sudden change. Then the kidney, which is the strongest acid-base component, takes several hours to more than 24 hours to re-adjust the hydrogen ion concentration.

Sabtu, 13 Mei 2017


                                   LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (RPP)

Unit of Education       :           SMA 2 SAROLANGUN
Class / Semester          : X / 2
Subject                                    : Chemistry
Main Material              : Chemical Calculation
The 3rd Meeting         : 3
Allocation Time          : 2 x 45 minutes
A. Core Competencies:
KI 1: Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces
KI 2: Living and practicing honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (polite, cooperative, tolerant, peaceful) behavior, courteous, responsive and proactive and showing attitude as part of the solution to problems in interacting effectively with the social environment and Nature and in placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world
KI 3: Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on his knowledge of science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, and applying procedural knowledge to A specific field of study according to his or her talents and interests to solve problems
KI 4: Processing, reasoning, and recruiting in the realm of concrete and abstract realms related to the development of self-study in schools independently, and capable of using methods according to scientific rules
B. Basic Competence:
KD of KI 1: Recognizes order in all chemical compound interactions as a form of the power of God Almighty.
KD from KI 2: Demonstrate co-operative, courteous, tolerant, peace-loving and caring about the environment and cost-effective in utilizing natural resources.
KD of KI 3: Applying the concept of relative molecular mass, reaction equations, fundamental laws of chemistry, and the concept of moles to complete chemical calculations.
KD of KI 4: Processing data related to the concept of relative molecular mass, reaction equations, basic laws of chemistry, and the concept of moles to complete chemical calculations.

C. Indicators of Achievement:

Demonstrates attitudes of behavior and attitudes of receiving, respecting, and carrying out honesty, rigor, discipline and responsyibility in the discussion of the concept of moles.
D. Learning Objectives:
Students are able to demonstrate attitudes of behavior and attitudes of receiving, appreciating, and carrying out honesty, precision, discipline and responsibility in the discussion of the concept of moles.
E. Learning Materials:

  • • The concept of Mol

F. Learning Methods:

  • • Approach: Scientific
  • • Model: Kooferatif tife PBL
  • • Method: discussion, training, assignment

G. Learning Activities:
Time Allocation

• Teachers deliver learning objectives
• Teachers motivate students by asking questions related to the material
• Students form a group of teachers for

15 minutes

• Students review the literature on mole concept application in chemical calculations.
• Students ask questions relating to the application of the concept of moles in chemical calculations.
Reasoning :
• Each group examines and equates perceptions about the concept of moles in chemical calculations.
• Students practice completing chemical calculations about the relationship of moles to the number of particles, the mass of matter, and the volume of the gas.
• Each group concludes the concept of mole and its relationship to the number of particles, the mass of substances and the volume of the gas.
• Each group presents the application of the concept of mole to complete the chemical calculation

of 60 minutes

• Teacher gives reinforcement of taught material
• Teacher gives assignment for next meeting

15 minutes

H. Learning Tools and Resources:
1. Tools and Materials
• Notebook
• LCD Projector
2. Learning Resources
• Chemistry book class X
I. Assessment of Learning Processes and Outcomes:
Assessment Sheet Specification Table
Aspects / Indicators
Instruments (test and non test)
Affective (KI 1 & KI 2)
Observation (attached)
Knowledge (KI 3)
Test Write
Description (attached)
Skills (K4)

Appendix 1: Attitudinal Attitude Observation Format
Behavior observed in the lesson
TODAY Answer
Hard Work
Reward Others





Attitude competency indicator
1. Honest
a. Convey something based on the actual situation
b. Does not cover the errors that occur
2. Discipline
a. Always present in class on time
b. Work on LKS as directed and timely
c. Obey the rules of the game in independent and group work
3. Responsibility
a. Trying to complete the task seriously
b Ask friends / teachers when you encounter problems
c Resolving the issues that are his responsibility
d. Participation in groups
4. Caring
a. Keeping the class clean, helping the friends in need

b. Show empathy and sympathy to solve problems
c. Able to give an idea / idea to an existing problem in the vicinity
d. Provide assistance in accordance with his abilities
5. Work hard
a. Doing LKS seriously
b. Show unyielding attitude
c. Trying to find a solution to the given problem
6. Respect others
a. Appreciate the opinions of friends or other groups
b. Show calm to listen to teacher explanation
Scoring scale :
A = very good
B = good
C = less
D = very less
Appendix 2: Knowledge Assessment Instrument
Problem Description:
1. Calculate the number of molecules contained in 2 moles of CO2!
2. Calculate the mass of 0.7 mol Na (Ar Na = 14)
3. Calculate the volume of 22 grams of CO2 (Ar C = 12, O = 16) if measured at standard state (STP).
Assessment Guidelines

Given CO2 = 2 mol
The number of molecules of CO2 = 2 × 6.02 × 1023
= 1.204 × 1024

Given Na = 0.7 mol
Mass = mol × Ar Na
= 0.7 × 14
= 9.8 grams
Given CO2 = 22 grams, Mr. CO2 = 44
Mol CO2 = 22 gram / 44 gram / mol = 0,5 mol
Volume CO2 (STP) = 05 × 22.4 = 11.2 liters



                                      Value acquisition score
      Student score =
                                             × 100%
                                            Maximum score

Jumat, 12 Mei 2017



        Rendement is actually a term in the field of chemistry studies. The yield represents the inaccuracy of the reaction result, which results always lower than the mathematical calculation. For example, in a chemical reaction, should produce a substance weighing 100 grams, mathematically, but in reality the results obtained only 90 grams. Unconsciously this also often happens in our daily live.

          The mixture is a composite of two substances or more which are not chemically united or their constituent substances still retain their respective properties. Various mixtures of biases are grouped into two types: homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures.

           Actually what is a homogeneous mixture ??? Homogeneous mixture is a mixture of two types of substances or more that can not be seen again the boundary plane between the substances mixed. The border field can not be visible even if viewed with a microscope. A homogeneous mixture is often also referred to as a solution. For example, air is a mixture of various types of gas.

      While the heterogeneous mixture is a mixture of two or more substances that still visible the boundary plane. For example a mixture of water with oil.

The mixture is a collection of various molecules, substances, ions, electrons, and other particles. We can measure pressure, volume, temperature and mixed mass. We can also measure the composition of the mixture experimentally so that the fraction of moles and masses can be determined (Sulistiati, 2013: 39).

A mixture is classified as heterogeneous and / homogeneous. The heterogeneous mixture is composed of individual phases, and the observed properties are composite rather than single phases. A homogeneous mixture comprises a single phase having properties very different from its sole components. The solution is defined as a homogeneous substance which is a mixture of two or more components which may be gaseous, liquid, or solid. The gas solution is made by mixing one gas in another. Since all the gases are mixed in all comparisons, each gas mixture is homogeneous and it is a solution (Sastrohamidjojo, 2005: 227).

If two different substances are inserted in one container there are 3 possibilities, which are mixed, reacted and unmixed. If the substances are mixed, the properties of the substance are immutable and can be separated by physical means, such as distillation, crystallization, chromatography, and so on. On this earth rarely found pure substance, generally a mixture. Two or more substances are called mixed, when the particles are dispersed in the same container so that they are in contact with each other. Two substances can be mixed when there is a reaction between the particles. The interaction is determined by the nature and nature of the substance. Therefore, the mixture can be divided into: a mixture of gases with gases, gases with solid, liquid with liquid, liquid with solid, and solid with solid (Syukri, 1999: 350-351)

3.1 Tools and materials
 Tools:
1) The vapor plate
2) Balance Sheet
3) Bunsen
4) Measuring cups
5) Glass watch
6) Chromatographic vessel
7) Trophy glasses
8) Scissors
9) Filter paper
10) Penotol (capillary pipe)
11) The gull
12) Pipette drops
13) Three-legs
14) Gauze
             Material:
      1) 0.1 gram of NH4Cl
      2) 0.1 gram NaCl
      3) 0.1 gram of SiO2
      4) 100 ml of distilled water
      5) Eluen solvent = mixture of butanol,                   a    cetic acid, water (1: 1: 4)
      6) 1 gram of BaCl2
     7) 25 ml of K2CrO4
     8) A mixture containing BaCl2

 Analysis through precipitation
A. Percentage of chromate barium yield

1.      Prepare a cup
2.      Weighed
3.      Added 1 gram of BaCl2
4.      Added 25 ml of distilled water
5.      Stirred until homogeneous
6.      Added 2 ml of K2CrO4 0,2 M
7.      Stirred and observed precipitate formed
8.      Heated
9.      Filtered with Wathman filter paper
10.  Dried, weighed, recorded the weight
11.  The theoretical results of sediment and percent yield are calculated

The weight of the sediment BaCrO4: 4.74 grams
Percent yield BaCrO4: 467%
 Analysis through precipitation
A. Percentage of chromate barium yield

A mixture consists of solution, colloidal, and suspension. In the presence of colloidal and suspension, it may allow precipitation if left long or precipitated by K2CrO4. The data in this experiment was obtained from experimental data in the physics physics education pgmipau 2014 report. This is because we can not conduct the experiments caused by the power failure so we can not do the weighing of substances and tools.

The procedure that should be done is to weigh the cup. Then weigh the cup of the cup containing BaCl2, which is 92.7 grams. The mass of BaCl2 is 0.7 grams. 25 ml of distilled water is added and stirred until homogeneous. Added 25 ml of K2CrO4 0.2 M, stirred and then observed the precipitate formed. K2CrO4 is a precipitation indicator. K2CrO4 makes the coarse particles in the mixture precipitate and form a clear solution so that the bottom can be a precipitate and the top can be a clear solution. When the sediment of BaCrO4 is still formed, K2CrO4 is added again until the precipitate is no longer formed. Then heated to boiling and filtered with Whatman filter paper. The precipitate is dried and weighed 4.74 grams. From the data can be calculated percentage of BaCrO4 that is 467%.
In this experiment there may be a slight error because the yield percentage exceeds 100%. In theory, if barium chromate is perfectly settled then the percentage is 100%. This difference in yields may occur because of the lack of additional K2CrO4 and in the less drying process.
How to determine the percentage of barium chromate in the mixture ie
% BaCrO4 = mass of sediment on practice / mass of the original example x 100%.

 Analysis through precipitation
A. Percentage of chromate barium yield
1) Trophy weight + BaCl2 = 92.7 grams
2) Trophy weight = 92 gram
3) Weight BaCl2 = 1-2 = 0.7 grams
4) The weight of the filter paper + sediment BaCrO4 = 6.48 grams
5) The weight of filter paper = 1.74 grams
6) Weight of sediment BaCrO4 = 4-5 = 6.48 - 1.74 = 4.74 grams
7) Percent of results BaCrO4
A. BaCrO4 masses theoretically
N BaCl2 = 0.7 g / 208 = 0.0033 mol

BaCl2 + K2CrO4 → BaCrO4 +2 KCl
0.0033 mol 0.0033 mol

G BaCrO4 = mol x Mr = 0.0033 mol x 253 = 0.8349 grams

B. Percent BaCrO4 = (g theoretical precipitate) x 100%
G theoretical
= (4.74 - 0.8349) x 100%
= 467%

Video delivery of chemistry

ACID AND BASES Link Video : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=https%2F%2Fyoutube.be%2FDaz_iElznXU This time ...