Senin, 24 April 2017

Double Bubble Maps

Hydrogen (Latin: hydrogenium, from the Greek: hydro: water, genes: forming) is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol H and atomic number 1. At standard temperature and pressure, hydrogen is colorless, odorless, non- Metals, single-valence, and highly flammable diatomic gases. With an atomic mass of 1.00794 amu [n 1], hydrogen is the lightest element in the world. Hydrogen is also the most abundant element with a percentage of approximately 75% of the total mass of the elements of the universe. [9] [n 2] Most stars are formed by hydrogen in the plasma state. Hydrogen compounds are relatively rare and rarely found naturally on earth, and are usually produced industrially from various hydrocarbon compounds such as methane. Hydrogen can also be produced from water through an electrolysis process, but the process is commercially more expensive than the production of hydrogen from natural gas. [10] The most common isotope of hydrogen in nature is the protium, whose nuclei have only a single proton and no neutrons. The hydrogen ionic compound can be either positively charged (cation) or negative (anion). Hydrogen can form compounds with most elements and can be found in water and organic compounds. Hydrogen is very important in acid-base reactions in which many of these reactions involve the exchange of protons between dissolved molecules. Since hydrogen is the only neutral atom whose Schrödinger equation can be resolved analytically, studies on energetics and the bonds of hydrogen atoms play a very important role in the development of quantum mechanics.

Lithium is a chemical element in the periodic table that has the symbol Li and atomic number 3. This element is included in the alkali metal with a silver white color. Under standard circumstances, lithium is the lightest metal at the same time the element with the least density (density). Like other alkali metals, lithium is highly reactive and corrodes quickly and becomes black in the humid air. Therefore, lithium metal is usually stored in containers filled with anhydrous oil. According to his theory, lithium (mostly 7Li) is one of the few elements synthesized in the event of the Big Bang despite its abundance is much reduced. The reasons for the disappearance of lithium and the process of formation of new lithium become an important topic in astronomy. Lithium is the 33rd most abundant element on earth, [1] but because of its extremely high reactivity it makes it only found in nature in the state of being in contact with other elements. Lithium is found in some pegmatite minerals, but can also be obtained from saltwater and clay. On a commercial scale, lithium metal is obtained by electrolysis of a mixture of lithium chloride and potassium chloride. A little bit of lithium is present in the oceans and in some organisms although this element is not useful in human biological functions. However, the neurological effect of lithium ions Li + makes lithium salts very useful as a mood stabilizer. Lithium and its compounds have several commercial applications, including ceramics and heat-resistant glasses, alloys with high strength-to-weight ratio for aircraft, and lithium batteries. Lithium also has an important place in nuclear physics.

8 komentar:

  1. How are the characteristics of hydrogen

  2. Group 1
    Period 1
    Melting point -259.16 ° C, -434.49 ° F, 13.99 K
    Boiling point -252,879 ° C, -423,182 ° F, 20,271 K
    Block s
    Density (g cm-3) 0,000082
    Atomic number 1
    Relatively atomic mass 1.008
    Conditions at 20 ° C
    Gas Key isotope 1H, 2H
    1s1 electron configuration
    CAS number 133-74-0
    ChemSpider ID 4515072

  3. How is the state of lithium in nature?


  4. 940/5000
    Lithium is the first alkaline element in the periodic table. In nature, lithium is found in a mixture of isotopes Li6 and Li7.

    It is the lightest, softest, silvery-white metal with low melting point and is reactive.

    Many of the physical and chemical properties of lithium are more similar to the alkaline earth metal than to its own group.

    The most important properties of lithium include high heating capacity, large temperature intervals in the liquid state, high thermal conductivity, low viscosity, and very low density.

    The lithium metal is soluble in short chain aliphatic amines, such as ethylamine, but not soluble in hydrocarbons.

    Lithium can react with organic reactants as well as with inorganic reactants.

    This metal reacts with oxygen to form monoxide and peroxide. Lithium is the only alkali metal that reacts with nitrogen at room temperature to produce black nitrure.

  5. One of the differences between hydrogen and lithium

    1. Part of the difference between hierogen and lithium anatar I have given above, maybe I will add a little, that is on the relative atomic mass, then abundance dialam, boiling point and freezing point. Lithium is a metal element whereas non-hydrogen hydrogen and many more ..

  6. how much atomic mass of hidrogen and litium?

    1. Hydrogen is also the most abundant element with a percentage of approximately 75% of the total mass of the elements of the universe. While lithium in the earth's crust is available as much as 0.0007%.


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