Kamis, 27 April 2017



Mr indra:    good morning student, are you ready to study today?
All student:  ready sir
Mr indra:    ok, today we will learn acid and alkaline, anyone know what is sour and what is alkaline?
Viki:           Acid (which is often represented by the general formula HA) is a chemical compound which when dissolved in water will result in a solution with a pH less than 7. In the modern definition, acid is a substance that can give protons (H + ions) to a substance Another (called a base), or may accept a free electron pair from a bass
Mr indra:    ok good job, so essentially acts as a donor, while basa as receiver.
Mr indra:    anyone knows the taste of acids and bases? And give examples of ases in daily life? Anyone knows?
Uul:            i know pak, the acid has a sour taste while the base has bitter taste, the example of the acid is vinegar while the base is soap.
Mr indra:    extraordinary answer, exactly answer. The acid is divided into two strong acids and weak acids, as well as the base there is a strong base and a weak base.
Ferdi:          I would like to ask sir, how if acid and base in react what will happen?
Mr indra:    The acid-base reaction is a chemical reaction involving acid reagents and alkaline reagents that produce water and salts. The acid reagents used can be either strong or weakly acid. Likewise with basic reagents used can be strong bases and weak bases.
If the strong acid is reacted with a strong base it will produce a neutral salt, with pH = 7. If the strong acid is reacted with a weak base it will produce a salt with acidic properties. If the weak acid is reacted with a strong base it will produce a salt with alkaline properties. If the weak acid is reacted with a weak base it will produce a salt with properties that depend on both ka and kb values.
An example of an acid-base reaction is a reaction between acetic acid and sodium hydroxide which, when reacted, will produce sodium acetate and water.
Mr indra:    ok, maybe this is just what we pljari today, do not forget to deepen again at home, until meet at next meeting , see you later.

All student: see you too sir

9 komentar:

  1. Characteristic of acid and base solutions?

    1. Acids are molecules that can break down in water and release hydrogen ions. One common example is hydrochloric acid (HCl). When HCl is added to water, it divides separately into H (+) and Cl (-), increasing the amount of hydrogen ions in a water-HCl solution.

      Bases are molecules that can be split in water and release hydroxide ions. The most common example is sodium hydroxide (NaOH). When NaOH is added to water, it divides apart into Na (+) and OH (-).

      Hydroxide ions can combine with hydrogen ions (hence, decrease the amount of hydrogen ions in the solution) to form more water. The principles of how acids and bases react in water form the basis of the pH scale.

      The acid-base indicator is a dye having different colors in acidic and alkaline solutions. The characteristics of acidic, basic and neutral solutions are:

  2. How to distinguish an acidic and basic solution

  3. . The most striking difference in acid and base flavors lies in the taste of both. Sour acids, as the name implies must have a sour taste if tasted with the tongue. A simple example is vitamin C that contains ascorbate compounds, when you suck this substance, you will definitely feel a strong sour taste. While alkaline substances generally have a bitter taste. If you do not believe it, put a little bath soap into your tongue. An unbearable bitterness will surely feel instantly. 2. Lakmus Paper Litmus paper is the most commonly used acidity indicator. Litmus paper itself there are 2 types, namely red litmus paper and blue litmus paper. Compounds or acidic substances will generally be able to redden the blue litmus paper and do not change the color of red litmus paper. While the compound or alkaline substances will generally be able to brighten red litmus paper and do not change the color of blue litmus paper. 3. Differences in Nature Differences of acids and bases can also be seen from its nature. The nature of the acid is corrosive or can erode other objects (especially metals) that come into contact with it. While the basic properties are caustic or can damage the skin. Both the properties of acids and bases you must understand if you are in the laboratory. These properties are very dangerous if you do not pay attention to health and safety. Differences Internet and Intranet 4. Reactions with Water Differences of acids and bases can also be seen from the results of their reaction with water. When the acid is dissolved into the water, it will happen ionization that produces H + ions, while if the basic compound dissolved into water, then the ion formed is the OH-ion. Well, that's some acid and base differences in the table that we can explain. Besides having differences, acid and base substances also have some similarities. One such equation for example in terms of the ability of these compounds in conducting electrical current. Yes, acids and bases are compounds that are both conductor. So, hopefully useful.

  4. What do you think about acid and alkaline?

    1. Acid is a compound that has a sour taste and can redden the blue lacmus, the acid is divided into two ie strong acid contonya HCl, weak acid example CH3COOH. Then the base is a bitter-tasting compound, and can brighten red litmus paper, the base is also divided into two ie weak base eg CH3OH, and strong base NaOH.

  5. how is acid and base in react what will happen?

    1. Which can be reacted between acid and base ie strong acids and strong bases, strong acids and weak bases, strong bases and weak acids, and weak bases and weak acids. When strong acids are reacted with a strong base it will produce a neutral salt, with pH = 7. When a strong acid is reacted with a weak base it will produce a salt with acidic properties. If the weak acid is reacted with a strong base it will produce a salt with alkaline properties. If the weak acid is reacted with a weak base it will produce a salt with properties that depend on both ka and kb values.
      An example of an acid-base reaction is a reaction between acetic acid and sodium hydroxide which, when reacted, will produce sodium acetate and water.


Video delivery of chemistry

ACID AND BASES Link Video : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=https%2F%2Fyoutube.be%2FDaz_iElznXU This time ...